The Pippin Journal

We won’t shy away from talking about the big, the awkward, the messy but oh so important stuff about growing up, puberty, the teen years, dating, relationships, and sex. In fact, may we cheekily suggest that it’s time to put your awkwardness aside as your young person’s well-being and safety is too important for you to simply bury your head in the sand. You are the best person for the job when it comes to guiding your child’s sexual development. Yes, you. 

We believe in you and are cheering you on as you choose to walk with your daughter through the wild season of adolescence. I will do my absolute best to share here regularly in the Pippin Guide a myriad of information, resources, advice from experts, statistics, strategies, and practical ideas for staying connected and empowering your child through this season. 

The Pippin Journal

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"I Choose Brave" For 2024: A Guide To Getting Set For A New School Year
Emma Tabacaru January 07, 2024

"I Choose Brave" For 2024: A Guide To Getting Set For A New School Year

Words, tips, advice and printable affirmations for every girl designed to calm a nervous heart, stir up courage and excite her soul as she steps into a new year of school. 

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